How long do skills last in today’s market? One study shows that 78% of executives believe hard skills have a shelf life of less than five years. Another study was even bleaker, showing that half of all skills will be outdated within two years. In light of these rapid changes, emotional intelligence (EI) training is becoming that much more important as an enduring skill that will power people and companies through the next several years.
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Mindfulness is a natural quality that we all have. It’s available to us in every moment if we take the time to appreciate it. When we practice mindfulness, we’re practicing the art of creating space for ourselves—space to think, space to breathe, space between ourselves and our reactions.
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If you’re in a leadership role in the modern workplace, you probably know the feeling: you’re balancing the larger strategic initiatives (and imperatives) of the company with the day-to-day concerns of your workforce.
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In the ever-changing world you live in, it can sometimes be difficult to keep up with the changes around us. At times maintaining the motivation to push forward can be a challenge both personally and professionally. This being said, the need to revisit the concept of motivation individually as well as within our teams is necessary in order to push forward toward our organizations’ goals. But this leads to the question: how can leaders do this for their teams?
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Conflict is inevitable—at least for most of us who work, live, or engage with other human beings on a regular basis. Collaborating and engaging with other humans can create meaningful connections and moments of joy, but it can also create division and disagreement. What’s the common denominator for either a positive or negative interaction? Emotions. Conflict doesn’t exist without emotion because in order for conflict to exist, we need to care about the situation.
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A knot forms in your stomach, and you feel momentarily speechless. Across from you, a colleague's words activate a mix of feelings in you—anger, frustration, confusion.
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We are powerfully motivated by how we feel about work, even more than pay and other external rewards that we typically associate with motivation. Imagine being askweaed to do an enjoyable task, like completing a series of fun puzzles. If you were doing it just for sheer pleasure, it would feel engaging, even light-hearted. When paid for the same activity, however, it can feel like an obligation. You might start worrying about doing it right or if the pay is really worth your time.
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