PACE-MLV - Search Inside Yourself Certified Program

Mindful Leadership Vietnam, a member of PACE Institute of Management (PACE-MLV), 
is the exclusive partner organization of SIY Global to deliver “Search Inside Yourself” in Vietnam.

Search Inside Yourself Program

Looking to sustain excellent performance or tap into outstanding collaboration?We help people develop the leadership and emotional intelligence skills needed to intensify focus,manage stress, harness creativity and improve resilience.
As a result, people from all walks of life are gaining better self-awareness, improving communication skills and leading with compassion. It all adds up to a greater well-being and happiness.

Looking to sustain excellent performance or tap into outstanding collaboration?
 We help people develop the leadership and emotional intelligence skills needed to intensify focus,
 manage stress, harness creativity and improve resilience.

As a result, people from all walks of life are gaining better self-awareness, improving communication skills
and leading with compassion. It all adds up to a greater well-being and happiness.

What’s unique about SIY?


SIY is a unique combination of neuroscience, mindfulness and emotional intelligence, 
in order to help  people and organizations bring out the best in themselves, from the inside out.

SIY is a unique combination of neuroscience, mindfulness and emotional intelligence 
in order to help people and organizations bring out the best in themselves, from the inside out.


Điểm độc đáo của “Search Inside Yourself”


Research shows that mindfulness is a foundational skill that underpins the inner factors of growth: self-awareness, self-management, and emotional

Emotional Intelligence

Workplace studies prove that emotional competencies enhance performance, leadership effectiveness, and wellbeing.


Attention is the fundamental energy of the mind. How we direct our attention determines the mental habits we form, the emotions we develop, and the results we experience.

The mindfulness and emotional intelligence skills
you'll learn in SIY will help you:

  1. Search Inside Yourself - Intensify your focus

    Intensify your focus.

  2. Search Inside Yourself - Be resilient in the face of challenge.

    Be resilient in
    the face of challenge.

  3. Search Inside Yourself - Govern stress.

    Govern stress.

  4. Search Inside Yourself - Unleash creativity and innovative thinking.

    Unleash creativity
    and innovative thinking.

  5. Search Inside Yourself - Develop greater self-awareness and emotion regulation

    Develop greater self-awareness
    and emotion regulation.

  6. Search Inside Yourself - Communicate clearly and effectively

    Communicate clearly
    and effectively.

  7. Search Inside Yourself - Experience greater overall well-being

    Experience greater
    overall well-being.




Starting date: 14/12/2024
Schedule: Saturday, Sunday
Time: 08:30 - 12:00 & 13:30 - 17:00
Tuition: 13.770.000 VND
Discounted Fee: 12.393.000 VND (Paid a week in advance)
REGISTER he fee includes: (1) 8% VAT; (2) Participant learning kit

STARTING DATE 06/12/2024 - Hanoi

Starting date: 06/12/2024
Schedule: Friday, Saturday
Time: 08:30 - 12:00 & 13:30 - 17:00
Tuition: 13.770.000 VND
Discounted Fee: 12.393.000 VND (Paid a week in advance)

Feedback from over 300 SIY participants
shows dramatic results


Felt a better ability
to reduce stress.


Reported better
clarity of mind.


Noticed enhanced
connection to others.

The SIY program includes

Join us for a highly interactive 2-day program followed by a 4-week online journey as we explore
mindfulness and emotional intelligence for inspiring wellbeing, collaboration and high performance.

Search Inside Yourself - The SIY training
Search Inside Yourself - Practice

Live training
(2 days)

Introduction to neuroscience,
mindfulness and the five emotional
intelligence capacities.

Virtual Practice
(4 weeks)

Weekly exercises and resources
delivered by email.

(1 sessions)

Reconnect with your teachers
and group to review and set
a plan for continuation.


SIY Certified Teachers who have been trained by SIY Global to deliver the
Search Inside Yourself program to organizations and communities globally.

The 2-day interactive program includes

  • An overview of the neuroscience supporting mindfulness and emotional intelligence.
    A deep-dive into the emotional intelligence capacities: self-awareness, self-management, motivation, empathy  and leadership.
    Practical exercises to focus attention and develop self- awareness and empathy, the foundation for self-mastery and leadership.
    Specific workplace applications to help participants achieve greater focus, emotional balance, empathy and motivation.
    A highly interactive experience, with 1/3 presentation and 2/3 hands-on exercises.
    A 28-day challenge following the 2-day program. Daily resources and exercises are provided to help people build new habits after the training.
    An overview of the neuroscience supporting mindfulness and emotional intelligence.
  • A deep-dive into the emotional intelligence capacities: self-awareness, self-management, motivation, empathy  and leadership.
  • Practical exercises to focus attention and develop self-awareness and empathy, the foundation for self-mastery and leadership.
  • Specific workplace applications to help participants achieve greater focus, emotional balance, empathy and motivation.
  • A highly interactive experience, with 1/3 presentation and 2/3 hands-on exercises.
  • A 28-day challenge following the 2-day program. Daily resources and exercises are provided to help people build new habits after the training.

Sample 2-Day Training Schedule

8:30 - 9:00 Start
9:00 - 12:00 Morning’s Agenda
  Practice: Attention Training
  How do you develop emotional intelligence?
  Mindfulness: Moving from autopilot to aware
  Practice: Open Awareness
  Practice: Body Scan
  Self-Awareness: Knowing one’s internal states
Afternoon’s Agenda
  Self-Management: Skillfully manage your impulses and reactions
  Exercise: Mindful Listening
  Exercise: Reframe and respond to challenges in the moment
  Exercise: Self-Compassion
17:00 End of Day 1
Mindful Leadership Vietnam - Search Inside Yourself

8:30 - 9:00 Start
9:00 - 12:00 Morning’s Agenda
  Motivation: Align your values and work
  Practice: Alignment with values
  Envisioning Practice: Visualize your goals
  Practice: Resilience, recover from setbacks
  Empathy: Understand others’ feelings and experiences
  Practice: "Just like me"
Afternoon’s Agenda
  Practice: Empathetic Listening
  Leadership: Lead with compassion
  Practice: Compassion Practice
  Exercise: Difficult Conversations
  Synthetic & Integrated
17:00 End of Day 2

Participants will experience lasting improvements, including:

  • Increased self-awareness and self-regulation, the first two core emotional intelligence competencies.
    Practical take-away skills: a range of mindfulness practices, journaling, and techniques for self- awareness, empathetic listening, and preparing for difficult conversations.
    Tools to communicate with insight and awareness of others’ emotions and perspectives.
    Increased self-awareness and self-regulation, the first two core emotional intelligence competencies.
  • Practical take-away skills: a range of mindfulness practices, journaling, and techniques for self- awareness, empathetic listening, and preparing for difficult conversations.
  • Tools to communicate with insight and awareness of others’ emotions and perspectives.
Search Inside Yourself - Participants will experience lasting improvements



The SIY workshops at PACE-MLV can be delivered in either of the following options:

  • Public Workshop: A special learning experience for individuals or groups coming from different companies. Workshops are offered on a fixed schedule and at a venue chosen by PACE-MLV.
  • In-house Workshop: Exclusive training for your organization with standard contents or with tailored contents to fit your organizational needs and expectations. For further information, please contact us via phone (028) 3837.0208 or email

On October 23 & 24, 2019, for the first time in Vietnam, business leaders had the unique opportunity to directly experience Search Inside Yourself (SIY) with Dr. RICH FERNANDEZ (CEO of SIY Global) and Ms. KIMIKO BOKURA (Founder of Mindful Leadership Japan).

Mindful Leadership Vietnam, a member of PACE Institute of Management (PACE-MLV), is the exclusive partner organization of SIY Global to deliver "Search Inside Yourself" in Vietnam.





Some global organizations have taken part in SIY

“I would highly recommend the Search Inside Yourself program as part of any leadership development

curricumlum. The content and case studies were relevant and accessible to a business audience. 

We were able to incorporate the exercises into our work immediately.”

“I would highly recommend the Search Inside Yourself program as part of any leadership development
curricumlum. The content and case studies were relevant and accessible to a business audience.
We were able to incorporate the exercises into our work immediately.”

- Karen Hershenson, Studio Leader tại Procter & Gamble -

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